Niklas Mayr, Stefan Edinger, Martin Krammer, Maximilian Wolf, Christoph Hochenauer, Vanja Subotic and Theodoros Dimopoulos
Deposition of Gadolinium-Doped Ceria Thin Films by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis for High-Temperature Electrolysis
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2025, 8, 4, 2403–2413
Volkan Kilinc, Ryoma Hayakawa, Yusuke Yamauchi, Yutaka Wakayama and Jonathan P. Hill
Nanoporous Dna Field Effect Transistor with Potential for Random-Access Memory Applications: A Selectivity Performance Evaluation
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Gonçalo Valente, Pedro Ferreira, Miguel A. Hernández-Rodríguez, Carlos D. S. Brites, João S. Amaral, Pavel Zelenovskii, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Samuel Guieu*, João Rocha and Manuel Souto
Exploring the Luminescence, Redox, and Magnetic Properties in a Multivariate Metal–Organic Radical Framework
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A. Parisi, P. Darvehi, G. De Falco, M. Sirignano, M. Commodo, F. Di Natale and P. Minutolo
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Olga Kaczmarczyk, Anna Pniakowska and Andrzej Żak
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Theodoros Dimopoulos, Rachmat Adhi Wibowo, Stefan Edinger, Maximilian Wolf and Thomas Fix
Heterojunction Devices Fabricated from Sprayed n-Type Ga2O3, Combined with Sputtered p-Type NiO and Cu2O
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Pegah Darvehi, Luca Basta, Mario Commodo, Patrizia Minutolo and Andrea D'Anna
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Joseph M. Monti, James A. Stewart, Joyce O. Custer, David P. Adams, Diederik Depla and Rémi Dingreville
Linking simulated polycrystalline thin film microstructures to physical vapor deposition conditions
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Wojciech P. Lipiński, Dr. Johannes Zehnder, Dr. Manzar Abbas, Prof. Dr. Peter Güntert, Dr. Evan Spruijt, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wiegand
Fibrils Emerging from Droplets: Molecular Guiding Principles behind Phase Transitions of a Short Peptide-Based Condensate Studied by Solid-State NMR
Chemistry A European Journal, Volume 29, Issue 50, September 6, 2023, e202301159
Josué Cordero‑Guerrero, Gabriel Jiménez‑Thuel and Sergio A. Paniagua
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Jian Zhang, Liu Qian, Gabriela Borin Barin, Abdalghani H. S. Daaoub, Peipei Chen, Klaus Müllen, Sara Sangtarash, Pascal Ruffieux, Roman Fasel, Hatef Sadeghi, Jin Zhang, Michel Calame and Mickael L. Perrin
Contacting individual graphene nanoribbons using carbon nanotube electrodes
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M. Kalaswad, J. O. Custer, S. Addamane, R. M. Khan, L. Jauregui, T. F. Babuska, A. Henriksen, F. W. DelRio, R. Dingreville, B. L. Boyce and D. P. Adams
Sputter-Deposited Mo Thin Films: Multimodal Characterization of Structure, Surface Morphology, Density, Residual Stress, Electrical Resistivity, and Mechanical Response
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A. Parisi, G. De Falco, M. Sirignano, P. Minutolo, M. Commodo, C. Carotenuto and F. Di Natale
Modelling the electrophoretically-enhanced in-flame deposition of carbon nanoparticles
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Selina Goetz, Rachmat Adhi Wibowo, Martin Bauch, Neha Bansal, Giovanni Ligorio, Emil List-Kratochvil, Christian Linke, Enrico Franzke , Jörg Winkler, Markus Valtiner and Theodoros Dimopoulos
Transparent electrodes based on molybdenum–titanium–oxide with increased water stability for use as hole-transport/hole-injection components
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So Nagashima, Sun Mi Yoon, Do Hyun Kim, Akihiro Nakatani, Myoung-Woon Moon
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Mario Raspanti, Marina Protasoni, Piero Antonio Zecca, Marcella Reguzzoni
Slippery when wet: The free surface of the articular cartilage
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Oliver Braun, Jan Overbeck, Maria El Abbassi, Silvan Käser, Roman Furrer, Antonis Olziersky, Alexander Flasby, Gabriela Borin Barin, Qiang Sun, Rimah Darawish, Klaus Müllen, Pascal Ruffieux, Roman Fasel, Ivan Shorubalko, Mickael L. Perrin, Michel Calame
Optimized graphene electrodes for contacting graphene nanoribbons
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Selina Goetz, Daniella Mehanni, Neha Bansal, Bernhard Kubicek, Rachmat Adhi Wibowo, Martin Bauch, Christian Linke, Enrico Franzke, Jörg Winkler, Toby Meyer, Stephanie Narbey, David Stock, Markus Valtiner, and Theodoros Dimopoulos
Low-Temperature-Processed Transparent Electrodes Based on Compact and Mesoporous Titanium Oxide Layers for Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2021
Abeer Fahes, Aotmane En Naciri, Mohammad Navvabpour, Safi Jradi and Suzanna Akil
Self-Assembled Ag Nanocomposites into Ultra-Sensitive and Reproducible Large-Area SERS-Active Opaque Substrates
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Mario Commodo, Gianluigi De Falco, Ettore Sarnelli, Marcello Campajola, Alberto Aloisio, Andrea D’Anna Patrizia Minutolo
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Pavel S. Zelenovskii, Konstantin Romanyuk, Michelle S. Liberato, Paula Brandão, Fabio F. Ferreira, Svitlana Kopyl, Luís M. Mafra, Wendel A. Alves, Andrei L. Kholkin
2D Layered Dipeptide Crystals for Piezoelectric Applications
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Robin P. Puchert, Felix J. Hofmann, Hermann S. Angerer, Jan Vogelsang, Sebastian Bange, John M. Lupton
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Lukas Kinner, Martin Bauch, Rachmat Adhi Wibowo, Giovanni Ligorio, Emil J. W. List-Kratochvil, Theodoros Dimopoulos
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Brian T. O’Callahan, Mario Hentschel, Markus B. Raschke, Patrick Z. El-Khoury and A. Scott Lea
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Gianluigi De Falco, Roberto Ciardiello, Mario Commodo, Pasquale Del Gaudio, Patrizia Minutolo, Amalia Porta, Andrea D'Anna
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