Prof. Ohmichi from Kobe University presented his first results on magnetometry using the NANOSENSORS Membrane-type Surface-stress Sensor (MSS) (NANOSENSORS special development code: SD-MSS-1K) at the 72nd Annual Meeting, the Physical Society of Japan (JPS) (Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus, March 17 – 20, 2017).
Congratulations to Professor Ohmichi for the excellent results!

from “Magnetometry of microcrystals using a membrane piezoresistive sensor” – graphics courtesy Professor Ohmichi Kobe University
18aC21-8, “Magnetometry of microcrystals using a membrane piezoresistivesensor”
Kobe Univ., Graduate School of Science, Kobe Univ., Faculty of ScienceA, Kobe Univ., Org. Adv. Integ. Res.B, Kobe Univ., Mol. Photosci. Res. CenterC
Ohmichi, K. IshimuraA, T. Okamoto, H. TakahashiB, and H. OhtaC
⽇本物理学会第72回年次⼤会、大阪大学 豊中キャンパス、2017年3月17〜20日
18aC21-8 「メンブレン型ピエゾ抵抗センサーを用いた微小試料の磁気測定」
神戸大院理, 神戸大理A, 神戸大先端融合研究環B, 神戸大分子フォトセC
大道英二, 石村謙斗A, 岡本翔, 高橋英幸B, 太田仁C
The respective article can be found if you follow this link: New method for torque magnetometry using a commercially available membrane-type surface-stress sensor