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Stress- and Time-Dependent Formation of Self-Lubricating In Situ Carbon (SLIC) Films on Catalytically-Active Noble Alloys

Figure 5 from Morgan R. Jones et al. Stress- and Time-Dependent Formation of Self-Lubricating In Situ Carbon (SLIC) Films on Catalytically-Active Noble Alloys: Tribofilm formation as a function of number of cycles as determined from the nanoscale experiments. (a) Intermittent-contact mode topography images (3 µm × 3 µm area) of the contact region at a contact pressure of 1.2 GPa after 0 cycles, 500 cycles, 1000 cycles, 2000 cycles, 3000 cycles, and 4000 cycles. (b) Tribofilm volume as a function of cycles for contact pressures up to 3.1 GPa. For all P, tribofilm volume increased asymptotically to a steady-state value at large numbers of cycles. NANOSENSORS Diamond Coated PointProbe Plus AFM probes DT-CONTR were used for the nanoscale tribology with atomic force microscopy.

Although catalysis is a popular explanation for tribopolymer generation, the interplay of catalysis, mechanochemistry, and electrostatic interactions remain incompletely understood. There is consensus, however, that… Read More »Stress- and Time-Dependent Formation of Self-Lubricating In Situ Carbon (SLIC) Films on Catalytically-Active Noble Alloys

Rapid access to discrete and monodisperse block co-oligomers from sugar and terpenoid toward ultrasmall periodic nanostructures

Fig. 4 from : Rapid access to discrete and monodisperse block co-oligomers from sugar and terpenoid toward ultrasmall periodic nanostructures by Takuya Isono et al. Thin-film morphologies of Glc3-b-Sol and Glc4-b-Sol. AFM height images (a, b) and corresponding cross-sectional profiles (c, d) indicating the formation of 6–8-nm-thick horizontal lamellae in Glc3-b-Sol (a, c) and Glc4-b-Sol thin films (b, d). Thin-film samples were prepared by spin-coating the BCO solution onto the hydrophilic surface of a silicon substrate followed by thermal annealing at 85 °C for 1 h. NANOSENSORS PointProbe Plus PPP-NCHR standard silicon tapping mode AFM probes and NANOSENSORS SuperSharpSilicon high resolution silicon AFM probes were used

Discrete block co-oligomers (BCOs) can form highly ordered ultrasmall nanostructures which can be used for lithographic templates. These nanotemplates are promising for the low-cost, large-scale,… Read More »Rapid access to discrete and monodisperse block co-oligomers from sugar and terpenoid toward ultrasmall periodic nanostructures

AFM probes for high resolution imaging – NANOSENSORS SuperSharpSilicon™ series video reaches 500 views mark

The NANOSENSORS screencast on SuperSharpSilicon™ AFM probes for high resolution imaging held by Dr. Oliver Krause just passed the 500 views mark. Congratulations Oliver! NANOSENSORS™… Read More »AFM probes for high resolution imaging – NANOSENSORS SuperSharpSilicon™ series video reaches 500 views mark