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Mechanical disassembly of human picobirnavirus like particles indicates that cargo retention is tuned by the RNA-coat protein interaction

Fig. 6 from María J. Rodríguez-Espinosa et al. 2023: Model depicting the RNA cargo retention for each VLP variant. The Δ45-CP VLP structure (A) does not show externalized cargo. The CP VLP structure (B) shows shorter N-terminals compared to the Ht-CP structure (C), which implies less RNA cargo retention compared to the Ht-CP structure. The cartoons in blue, green and pink colors represent coat protein, RNA and N-terminal, respectively. For mechanical fatigue experiments, rectangular AFM cantilevers (NANOSENSORS™, uniqprobe qp-BioAC AFM probes with three different AFM cantilevers per chip) with nominal spring constants of 0.05 and 0.1 N m−1 were used. The AFM cantilevers were calibrated using Sader's method.

The idea of using virus-like particles as nanocarriers for heterologous cargo transport and delivery requires controlling the stability of the container–cargo system.* In particular, the… Read More »Mechanical disassembly of human picobirnavirus like particles indicates that cargo retention is tuned by the RNA-coat protein interaction

Simultaneous co-localized super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and atomic force microscopy: combined SIM and AFM platform for the life sciences

Figure 4 a and b from Ana I. Gómez-Varela et al “Simultaneous co-localized super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and atomic force microscopy: combined SIM and AFM platform for the life sciences : Simultaneous SR-SIM/AFM acquisition. The AFM measurements were carried out on fixed U2OS cells in medium/buffer with (a) and without N-SIM illumination (b). For convenience and enhanced feature/noise contrast, both AFM topography images in the SR-SIM/AFM overlays are displayed with an edge detection algorithm using a pixel difference operator in X. The topography images from Petri dish surface on three positions (labelled in the figures) were planefit (1st order polynomial function) to compensate for tilts in the sample surface, and subjected to surface roughness analysis Please have a look at the full article to view the full figure.

Correlating data from different microscopy techniques holds the potential to discover new facets of signalling events in cellular biology.* In the article “Simultaneous co-localized super-resolution… Read More »Simultaneous co-localized super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and atomic force microscopy: combined SIM and AFM platform for the life sciences