Will you be in Fukuoka/Japan at the ISOEN 2019, the 18th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic nose that is being held from May 26-29th 2019?
Then don’t miss out on the talk on Tuesday the 28th of May on “Piezoresistive Membrane-type Surface-stress Sensor and Signal Readout Module to Support Research on Odor/Gas Sensing” by Dr. Terunobu Akiyama (NanoWorld AG) and Dr. Genki Yoshikawa (National Institute for Materials Science & University of Tsukuba, Japan). It will take place during the following session:
11:00 – 12:00
SenDev-1 Oral Session: Sensors
Chair: Corrado diNatale (Roma Tor Vergata University, Italy)
Int’l Conf. Hall (4F)
We hope to meet you there.

NANOSENSORS Membrane-type Surface-stress Sensor (MSS) for R&D in gas/odor sensing – SD-MSS-1K2G