Cantilever data:
Property Nominal Value Specified Range
Resonance Frequency [kHz] 23 1 - 57
Force Constant [N/m] 0.2 0.01 - 1.87
Length [µm] 225 215 - 235
Mean Width [µm] 48 40 - 55
Thickness [µm] 1 0.1 - 2
Order codes and shipping units:
Order Code AFM probes per pack Data sheet
PPP-LFMR-10 10 of all probes
PPP-LFMR-20 20 of all probes
PPP-LFMR-50 50
PPP-LFMR-W 380 of up to 32 probes
NANOSENSORS™ PointProbe® Plus AFM Probes

PointProbe® Plus Lateral Force Microscopy - Reflex Coating

The PointProbe® Plus (PPP) combines high application versatility and compatibility with most commercial SPMs. The typical AFM tip radius of less than 7 nm and the minimized variation in AFM tip shape provide reproducible images and enhanced resolution.

For lateral or friction force microscopy NANOSENSORS™ offers a special type of AFM probe (LFM: lateral force microscopy). This sensor type is optimized for a high sensitivity to lateral or friction forces by an extremely soft, thin AFM cantilever

The AFM probe offers unique features:

  • guaranteed AFM tip radius of curvature  < 10 nm
  • AFM tip height 10 - 15 µm
  • highly doped silicon to dissipate static charge
  • Al coating on detector side of AFM cantilever
  • high mechanical Q-factor for high sensitivity
  • alignment grooves on backside of silicon holder chip
  • precise alignment of the AFM cantilever position (within +/- 2 µm) when used with the Alignment Chip
  • compatible with PointProbe® Plus XY-Alignment Series

The reflective coating is an approximately 30 nm thick aluminum coating on the detector side of the AFM cantilever which enhances the reflectivity of the laser beam by a factor of about 2.5. Furthermore it prevents light from interfering within the AFM cantilever. As the coating is nearly stress-free the bending of the AFM cantilever due to stress is less than 2 degrees.

This AFM probe features alignment grooves on the back side of the holder chip. These grooves fit to the NANOSENSORS Alignment Chip.

Hesam Khaksar, Prashant Mittal, Nabil Daghbouj, Grzegorz Cios, Tomas Polcar and Enrico Gnecco
A comparative nanotribological investigation on amorphous and polycrystalline forms of MoS2
Applied Surface Science, Volume 672, 1 November 2024, 160842
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Bin Hu, Xiang Zhou, Wengen Ouyang and Wen Wang
Unconventional temperature dependence of friction at the single-asperity silicon/graphite interface
Physical Review B (2024) 110, 184112
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Takeru Omiya, Enrico Pedretti, Manuel Evaristo, Albano Cavaleiro, Arménio C. Serra, Jorge F.J. Coelho, Fabio Ferreira and Maria Clelia Righi
Synergistic effects of nitrogen-containing functionalized copolymer and silicon-doped DLC for friction and wear reduction
Tribology International, Volume 200, December 2024, 110183
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Lina Zhang, Xinfeng Tan, Jianguo Jiao, Dan Guo and Jianbin Luo
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Seonha Park, Phuong Lien Nguyen, Ivan V. Vlassiouk, Mingi Choi, Seokjun Kim, Jaekwang Lee and Songkil Kim
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Stephanie E. Liu, Thomas T. Zeng, Ruiqin Wu, Vinod K. Sangwan and Mark C. Hersam
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Hassan Zhairabany, Hesam Khaksar, Edgars Vanags and Liutauras Marcinauskas
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Haojie Lang, Yitian Peng, Kun Zou, Ruling Chen and Yao Huang
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Lina Zhang, Xinfeng Tan, Jianguo Jiao, Dan Guo and Jianbin Luo
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Wen Wang and Xiang Zhou
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Wen Wang, Dirk Dietzel, Changtao Liu and André Schirmeisen
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Zhairabany, V. Dovydaitis, H. Khaksar, E. Vanags, E. Gnecco and L. Marcinauskas
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Dooho Lee, Hochan Jeong, Hyunsoo Lee, Yong-Hyun Kim and Jeong Young Park
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Min Gi Choi, Seonha Park, Habeom Lee and Songkil Kim
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Wen Wang, Xiang Zhou, Linmao Qian and Q.-C. He
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Zishuai Wu, Tongtong Yu, Wei Wu, Jianxi Liu, Zhinan Zhang, Daoai Wang and Weimin Liu
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Marius Pustan, Corina Birleanu, Rodica Voicu and Raluca Muller
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Hyunsoo Lee, Jae-Hyeon Ko, Hee Chan Song, Miquel Salmeron, Yong-Hyun Kim and Jeong Young Park
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Ji Hye Lee, Sangik Lee, Ji Hoon Jeon, Da Yea Oh, Minjung Shin, Mi Jung Lee, Sachin Shinde, Jong-Hyun Ahn, Chang Jae Roh, Jong Seok Lee and Bae Ho Park
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